Catégorie : Cursus Advanced English

American Show

Good morning! So today we are going to speak to you about our beautiful adventure, our English show : « The American Dream ». So, we are pupils in 3ème Advanced English and everything began when we saw the incredible show presented by our friends who are in 4ème Advanced English. We liked the show and we …

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The Four Wishes, by theYear 9 Mother Teresa Advanced English Company

After we saw the Four Wishes performed by Pickles by EITC, we decided to play it by ourselves ! Our teacher adapted the text for us, we distributed all the roles and created some more and we spent 3 weeks rehearsing, creating the settings and chosing our different props. Even our 2 pupils from the …

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Our Scottish Partnership

This year, the Year 9 Advanced English pupils are very lucky to take part in a school exchange program with a Scottish school from Edinburgh. They started writing to each other in October, then exchanged their social network adresses. In March, they took an Easyjet flight for Edinburgh and spent a whole week in their …

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Soirée Advanced English

Les 3èmes Dunant 2016-2017 ont invité leurs parents le jeudi 22 juin pour présenter le projet ‘Human Rights’, fil conducteur de toute leur année de 3ème. En septembre 2016, Mère Teresa est canonisée. On étudie en classe sa biographie et à partir de là, nait l’idée de relier toute l’année de 3ème à l’évolution des …

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Filming our school

In June 2017, the Year 10 Advanced English class worked on a new project : filming our entire school and create a video that could be seen on the school website. All the pupils worked by groups of 2 or 3 and chose what part of the school they wanted to present. Thanks to the …

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Sortie théâtre en Anglais

Mardi 14 février, les 27 élèves de la classe de 4° Anglais + sont allés voir une pièce de théâtre jouée par la troupe Théâtre en anglais, Salle Rameau dans le 1er arrondissement. Le spectacle « Oliver Twist » s’inscrit parfaitement dans leur EPI « London is great » qui unit l’Histoire Géographie au cours d’anglais. Après 1h30 de …

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