Theatre in English 5°

On Monday, December 3rd, the Pickles Company came to play ‘Number XXXII’ in front of more than 140 5° pupils.

4 English-speaking actors performed a one-hour show, telling the legend of the People of the Water.

6 pupils participated in the show! They learnt their texts, rehearsed with the Pickles Company actors and played their roles.

‘It was very funny !’, ‘I didn’t understand everything but I loved the play’, the 5° pupils said.

‘The actors were very nice !’ ‘A great experience !’ ‘Good to improve my English !‘  ‘I’ll do it again !’ the 5° actors said.

The 5° actors: Gabriel, Louise, Yeva, Jasmine, Camille, Maïssa, surrounded by the Pickles Company actors.