American Show

Good morning!
So today we are going to speak to you about our beautiful adventure, our English show : « The American Dream ». So, we are pupils in 3ème Advanced English and everything began when we saw the incredible show presented by our friends who are in 4ème Advanced English. We liked the show and we wanted to do something similar so we went to see our teachers to ask them and they accepted.
We worked a lot but it was amazing because we were always together and now we have many memories of this adventure.We worked for a month, we created our own show, we wrote the script and gave 4 representations but all this things could never have been real if our 3 English teachers had not been with us: they are just amazing, they spent all their time with us.
It was a real pleasure to work with them and to work all together and we are not unsatisfied by the result because it was just amazing we had a lot of fun to play it and people liked it so how can it be better ? It 's just wonderful to be surrounded by incredible persons like them, we were all happy to see that our show worked and every one worked with all their heart.
I think that it will be very hard for us at the end of the year to be separated from our teachers and I truly think that this school is amazing and we will always love it.

Rania E.